May 30, 2003

In The News

Plain or Plane
Sex in Chile, like companies in Silicon Valley, are looking to give you options. For a $500 investment you are guaranteed a 2-for-1 split and a bumpy ride. In both cases, the chances of getting fucked are probably pretty good.

UR laid off?
Adding insult to injury, a failing British company text messaged layoff notices to some 2,500 employees. No wonder we kicked their asses back in the 1700's.

Meow TV
It should come as no surprise that entertainment executives like to get a little pussy from time to time, but this is ridiculous. Sounds like the Oxygen network has had a lack of it recently. Breathe deep and cough up the furball now won't ya.

It's not just for Bush anymore
I guess the corn can look greener on the other side as Nebraska declares war on Iowa over gambling. I'm betting they don't go through with it.

Posted by ac at May 30, 2003 07:16 PM
