June 10, 2003

Ten Layers of AC

Seems this is getting around. Only women seem to be doing this, so I thought it might be time to break the trend. What have I got to lose?


-- Name: Are you kidding? This is Ramblings of an Anonymous Coward
-- Birth date: July (middle)
-- Birthplace: Germany
-- Current Location: California
-- Eye Colour: Blue. Changes shade with mood.
-- Hair Colour: Brown
-- Height: 68.5"
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Cancer


-- Your heritage: German, English
-- The shoes you wore today: Sandles.
-- Your weakness: I'm not telling!
-- Your fears: Too afraid to tell you.
-- Your perfect pizza: Mmmm, Pizza. At The Sink?
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: A modicum of happiness without destroying too many people in route.


-- Your most overused phrase on IM: sorry or thanks
-- Your thoughts first waking up: why are they yelling?
-- Your best physical feature: I'm told my eyes.
-- Your bed time: sleep is over-rated.
-- Your most missed memory: Sshhhh! I'm trying to suppress that.


-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke (Vanilla)
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
-- Single or group dates: Wouldn't know.
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas (All Day I D....[hehe])
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lemonade
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-- Cappuccino or coffee: yuk! neither.


-- Smoke: No way
-- Cuss: Fuck no! Ok, sometimes.
-- Sing: Nowhere you can hear me.
-- Take a shower everyday: Wish I could
-- Do you think you've been in love: yes.
-- Want to go to college: Again? Sure, you buy'in?
-- Like(d) high school: Parts of it
-- Want to get married: Again? Yes. Stupid huh?
-- Believe in yourself: Used to.
-- Get motion sickness: rarely
-- Think you're attractive: Nope. I put myself in the top of the bottom quartile
-- Think you're a health freak: no.
-- Get along with your parent(s): For limited periods of time.
-- Like thunderstorms: Under the right conditions
-- Play an instrument: No.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: Yes
-- Smoked: No
-- Done a drug: Only over the counter or prescription
-- Made Out: Only in my mind
-- Gone on a date: Only in my mind
-- Gone to the mall?: yes, once.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No. Never.
-- Eaten sushi: Ok now, that was just gross! No.
-- Been on stage: Nope.
-- Been dumped: Yup. Twice. Same person. Crazy thing is, I'd risk 3.
-- Gone skating: Of course!
-- Made homemade cookies: No, but ate some at work.
-- Gone skinny dipping: No.
-- Dyed your hair: No, never have.
-- Stolen anything: Not unless good ideas count.
-- You sound boring: duh!


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yup
-- If so, was it mixed company: wouldn't it be pointless otherwise?
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: So I'm told
-- Been caught "doing something": I have never had sex with that woman.
-- Been called a tease: Actually, yes. Monday, April 21 at 19:05 PDT
-- Gotten beaten up: Only once physically.
-- Shoplifted: Sadly enough yes. As a child. I'm still guilty about it.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: nope.


-- Age you hope to be married: n/a
-- Numbers and Names of Children: [censored]
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: To someone I love -- any way she wants it! Big Fat and Greek, On a beach, In halloween costumes... it wouldn't matter.
-- How do you want to die: On my own terms.
-- Where you want to go to college: Do over again? UVa.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: n/a, I'll never grow up.
-- What country would you most like to visit: Tie between Australia and Iceland


-- Opposite sex or the same? Opposite.
-- Best eye colour? Blue
-- Best hair colour? Brown-ish Red
-- Short or long hair: Long
-- Best Height? < 5'8"
-- Best weight: > 100lbs
-- Best articles of clothing: her: skirt me: shorts
-- Best first date location: Anywhere that allows for a walk
-- Best first kiss location: Airport


-- Number of drugs taken illegally: zero
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: depends on the circumstance
-- Number of CDs that I own: lots
-- Number of piercings: zero
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: lost count. none recently.
-- Number of scars on my body: 3 that I can still see.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Quite a few to varying degrees, but only one where I was in complete control.

Posted by ac at June 10, 2003 10:57 PM


aHA! hello. i found you and now i have some archives to read. wahoo!

Posted by: jodi at June 11, 2003 03:10 PM

found me? didn't know anybody was looking.

Posted by: AC at June 11, 2003 06:52 PM