August 05, 2003

Driving Home

the saying goes ... "home is where the heart is", shortly i'll find myself heading north driving to this place i've called home for so long. when i'll get there, nobody knows, but i do know this -- while i refer to it as home, my heart is not there. it's elsewhere. this thing pounding in my chest is but a muscle keeping my shell alive as i continue to sit in foolish indecision.

and as i close my eyes hoping to disappear, more decisions will be made on my behalf. all with best interests in mind. all right. all wrong. but they are made none the less. as much as i'd like to believe it so, the world can not wait for me and my world didn't.

Posted by ac at August 5, 2003 09:00 PM


aw ac - i'm so sorry to hear that.

Posted by: michelle at August 5, 2003 09:27 PM