August 27, 2003

RSS Lurking

New feature in the NetNewsWire RSS aggregator provides additional insight into the writings of blog authors. As if we don't already have enough to do... go read about it over at LittleThinkTank.

The fun starts when someone changes an item after posting it; I do this myself all the time--for some reason, I never seem to see some typos in my weblog application's entry form, but they stand out like a beacon on the main page of LittleThinkTank. When NetNewsWire refreshes a feed subsequent to a change, you get to see the differences.
Thanks to Jeremy Zawodny for the link. I'd would suggest reading Lockergnome's RSS Resource pages if you have interest in news/blog/information syndication via RSS.

Posted by ac at August 27, 2003 03:49 PM
