September 24, 2003

Spam to the White Courtesy Phone Please

Lots of things in the news today. Or perhaps I'm just stretching for things to avoid doing real work. At least some of the things I've come across do apply to work, but of course many don't. Read on...

California Enacts Toughest Anti-Spam Bill
Actually, the NY Times article about this is much better, but it requires registration. Essentially CA is looking to open up the courts and force marketer's to prove that the recipient explicitely allowed the sender to mail them. I despise spam as much (if not more) than the next guy, but don't our courts have better things to do? The truely problematic spam/uce is being sent from off-shore or hijacked servers anyway. Now whether this gets passed and survives is another matter.

Do Not Call
Along the same lines, a federal judge has ruled that the Federal Trade Commission overstepped its authority in creating the national "do-not-call" list against telemarketers.

Club for Caucasians stirs up Freedom HS
Is it ok to exclude the percieved majority when you're a percieved minority, but it's not okay to exclude the percieved minority when you're the percieved majority? A student attending [ironically] Freedom High School in Oakley, California is battling that issue right now. Gee, now I wonder what my "white boys college fund" would have been met with had I ever earned Bill Gates type money. *sigh*

Posted by ac at September 24, 2003 01:08 PM
