October 03, 2003

Friday Five: Vehicles

Time for another friday five.

  1. What vehicle do you drive?
    A truck, yes 4WD

  2. How long have you had it?
    Roughly 3 years.

  3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle?
    I don't think there is a "coolest" feature. I like that it has a 6-disk CD in-dash, and that it has "power outlets" in the front and rear. Its coolest feature used to be the color.

  4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?
    The noise in the cabin is a bit louder that I'd prefer, but it is a truck afterall, not an E-class Mercedes, so I deal with it.

  5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?
    Hmmm. I think I'd have to go with a customized Dodge Viper.

Posted by ac at October 3, 2003 02:44 PM
