October 11, 2003

Best Of Luck Al

I had to attend another wedding today... second one in a month. At least this time I knew the couple. I still wasn't terribly excited about going for a variety of reasons and went expecting the worst but ended up being pleasantly surprised by the simplicity and honesty of the event. They are two terrific kids and I truly wish them the best of luck.

The ceremony was non-denominational and the fellow conducting it seemed to be more of an inspirational coach than a man of the cloth. I stood at the back and actually listened to what he had to say about marriage and the path these two were about to take. His advice was sound and delivered with wit and charm. Yes, all those C's are very important -- Communication, Commitment, Celebration, Caring, ... he listed a few more each with a description and a story.

He had his little schtick with the vows and the ring. Funny part is, the best man forgot the ring. Left it in the car. So while he ran off to get it the stories continued. "Hmmmm", he said after about a minute, "I didn't know he left it at the jewlery store." The guests giggled and while I'm sure the guilty parties were a bit embarrassed, I personally thought it will make for a great story for these two. The pastor offered to allow them to use his ring if they'd like to continue, the bride quickly said "no, i'll wait" sending another round of giggles through the crowd. The ring finally made it's way to the gazebo and the deed was done. The couple walked back up the isle to complete the ceremony.

I nearly shed a tear as I was honored to give the groom his first hug as a married man. "Thanks so much for coming", he shared as we gave each other firm pats on the back with one hand shaking hands with the other. "Happy to be here Alan, happy to be here", I said in total honesty. Seeing the joy and hope on his face was worth the trip. May he capture this day and retain the love he has forever.

The reception was equally as quaint and the bride's mom, with limited resources, did a fantastic job. I had to chuckle (in a good way I assure you) when I sat at the table and saw that the reception was being catered by Armadillo Willys. Paper plates, plastic silverware, and clear plastic wine glasses. Thirsty? Hop on up and grab a beer or soda from the cooler. The smell of sterno filled the hall, but it really didn't matter. This wasn't a let's show off affair, it was an opportunity for friends and family to gather together and celebrate the first hours of this new marriage. A chance to share in their hopes, dreams, and raw optimism for the future.

Alan, remember this day ... you don't yet know just how lucky you are. I hope that your heart will continue to flutter at the sound of Lindsay's voice as it did this afternoon. May your love for her remain stronger than your convictions. To Life my friend, to life!

Posted by ac at October 11, 2003 05:50 PM


Weddings have a way of cutting through the clutter. I dreaded attending my brother's wedding even though I was APPOINTED the best man. I hate weddings and my brother and I had a small fallout beforehand.

However, I'm glad I went because it caused me to examine some things in my own relationship. It's great to see people happy together.


Posted by: j. brotherlove at October 12, 2003 12:34 PM