October 14, 2003

Meme Krazy

Alrighty then... I think I'm just going to have to take the whole day off, I can see already that I am just not going to be productive. Perhaps I'll run up to Blockbuster and grab Matrix Reloaded, it came out today. I have alot of "hockey stuff" I still need to take care of... maybe I'll do that instead. In the meme time (pun intended)...

Tuesday is Chooseday
Would you rather:

  1. Be able to control your hair like tentacles OR be able to perfectly mimic any sound you hear?
    I don't think I could get into the medusa thing, so I'll go with mimicing sounds. Think of all the "cheap" groceries you can get. [snicker]

  2. While driving, only be able to drive 35 mph, no faster, no slower OR only be able to turn left?
    Only left turns! I'd go nuts only being able to drive 35 here in California.

  3. Punch an 80-year-old man in the face OR kick a 10-year-old kid in the shins?
    Do I look like Pedro Martinez to you? I think I'd kick the 10-year-old twirp in the shins.

  4. Spray deer urine all over your body before a major event (wedding, birthday, anniversary, etc) and not bathe for a full day OR not bathe for a full week before the major event?
    Yikes! Assuming I could plan it in advance, I'd go for the full week keeping activity levels low and loading up on deoderant a couple times a day towards the end. No hockey that week for sure!

Two For Tuesday

  1. If you were to host your own talk show, who would your first three interviewees be? Why?
    I honestly can't think of anyone I would want to interview, so I'm going to cop-out and list 3 people that I wouldn't mind sitting down with for a couple hours and talk with. It could, perhaps, be Barabara Walters style inteview I suppose...
    • Bill Gates: I would definitely want to find out the reasoning behind some of the decisions he made. Billy, you've got some spainin' to do!

    • Wayne Gretzky: Face it, hockey needs all the exposure it can get. Privately I would love to talk to Wayne about youth hockey here in the US and Canada and what we can do to bring the game back to it's roots.

    • Drew Pinsky: Yes, he is the infamous Dr. Drew from the show LoveLine. Aside from being an interesting fellow, I'd be counting on getting a little advice myself.

  2. Of all the talk shows ever (and lord knows there has been plenty) which would you prefer to have been a guest on? (Whether it is currently on or has been cancelled)
    I would definitely go with So Graham Norton. I have enough Springer in my life right now, thankyouverymuch.

The Listening Post
If you had the ability to "leap" back into yourself at any point in time, when would you choose and what problem would you choose to fix? What do you think the consequences would be if the event was fixed?
Oy! The problem I see here is if I went back and time and changed some things, that would likely change where I am now. And while on the surface, I think that would be a good thing, there are some people that might not be in my life had things not gone as they have. So with that in mind, I'd go back to a recent large lottery and pick the winning numbers. Money won't buy happiness, but it sure can allow you to pursue it with more vigor.

Random Question of the Day
What is your worst fear?
That by the time I'm "ok", it simply won't matter anymore.

7th Heaven

  1. Were you born the way you are or did you get this way because of your experiences and surroundings?
    i think my experiences and surroundings have certainly gotten me to where i am today.
  2. Have you ever had alcohol poisoning?
  3. Do you try to hide your faults from others, giving them the image of perfection? If yes, do you give them their image of what perfection is or your own?
    I try and hide many of them, but I also do not claim nor realistically strive for perfection. I'm a flawed person and that's ok.
  4. What is your favorite accessory?
    wireless ethernet card. heh!
  5. Is high school really made up of the best years of your life?
    i hope not.
  6. What is your happiest memory?
    a particular sunrise currently tops the list.
  7. Do you ever feel out of place in this world?

    If you are ever looking for Meme's, check out the The Meme's List over at iamPariah.com.

    Posted by ac at October 14, 2003 11:54 AM
