October 15, 2003

I've Just Gotta Say

I just feel like I have alot of things to say today, but everytime I start to write them down, it comes out as a short sentence or two. Rather than spend even more time "blogging", I'm going to just jot some down here and perhaps sometime later I'll expand on them. Or not.

Kids that don't take school seriously are really beginning to piss me off. I don't think they necessarily have to be anal retentive and be shot if they don't get straight A's, but they should damn well hang their heads in shame when F's pop up, otherwise they'll become the morons they like to complain about. School seems like a pain in the ass now, but you're likely to look back years from now and realize it wasn't as bad as you made it out to be.

Ducky, I know you wouldn't be reading this -- in fact I hope you aren't reading my blog, but that's another post all together..... but keep up the good work. I am so proud of you! Yes, you can be the first woman president of the US. You can go to Harvard and eventually become a judge. Yep, yep, yep!

Chilly: the advice I gave this morning is sound... even if I don't always follow it. Had I taken it myself, I wouldn't be here to share it with you now. Whether that is a good thing or not is still to be seen.

To the person playing that Faith Hill CD... yes, she in fact has a lovely voice, but if I have to hear "This kiss, this kiss one more time I think I'm going to scream. The centrifugal motion she sings of will be me swinging that boom box in preparation to launch it out the window.
Update: the music has changed -- soundtrack to Moulin Rouge. Hopefully it will change again after a play or two.

I wonder if my confessions will ever appear? I have to disagree with the service somewhat... it helps to let it out, but to know it was read still makes a world of difference. I've been very tempted to write some of them up here. I may still do that.

Sorry, but I'm rooting for a Cubs .vs. Red Sox World Series. OK, I'm not sorry, I want to see the underdogs get their shot.

The movie Wrong Turn sucks! Don't buy it, don't rent it. It was; however, the appropriate ending for the evening giving it a slight uptick. feh!

To Mr. P: Just pay your fucking dues will you. I swear, one thing I can't stand is someone trying to bully their way out of an obligation. Convince me with facts or write the god damned check. And while I won't tell you since that takes the fun out of it for me -- no, I'm not beyond retribution and this is a case I'm more than capable of being patient.

Someone said to me today -- "You'd cut off your nose to spite your face". My response -- "mmmHmmmm". Yes folks, I can be extremely stubborn.

Posted by ac at October 15, 2003 03:07 PM
