October 20, 2003

Don't Think

completely unmotivated today. sleeping isn't working. migraines flaring again. sadly, i have an urge (nay, a need) to post today. sad, but true.

Word Association, Week 37

  1. Country:: Roads by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
  2. G:: Wiz!
  3. Offer:: Rejected!
  4. Connection:: Network
  5. Quest:: In Search of the Holy Grail
  6. Lighthouse:: Cape Hatteras
  7. Sycamore:: tree
  8. Inhumane:: treatment
  9. Sneer:: disgust
  10. Weapon:: deadly

A really interesting meme is Mo(n)saic. I'm going to try it next week!

Posted by ac at October 20, 2003 10:59 PM
