October 24, 2003

What's Up Doc

so when your therapist says they don't believe they can be of any further help, does that mean you're fixed or irreparably broken? inquiring minds want to know.

yeah, ok, i know i'm broken... but it does make me wonder. Richard Feynman once said "Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it. and while much funnier when applied to sex, i think the same could be said about therapy. so what did i get out of it aside from a bill? nothing but a bunch of theories on why life as i know it is so fucked up.

despite my age, i'm experiencing differentiation... the terrible two's so to speak. mmmm-k. i kinda thought i did that years ago, but hey, what do i know? clearly nothing. according to far too many people (that means more than zero), i have no idea how i feel. others seem to, but nooooooo not me. i have not even the slightest clue. now don't get me wrong, at the moment it all sounded pretty reasonable, but by that time i was kinda hoping for a straight-jacket and some strong medication.

my problem is simple: once my eyes are opened, I can never go back.

Posted by ac at October 24, 2003 07:08 PM
