October 30, 2003

Words of Others

i've always enjoyed the words of others, especially when those words speak to me or express things i've wanted to express. i stumbled across some writings by kat which struck a chord with me. a recent post regarding solar flares also reminded me just how much i want to see the aurora borealis. this is on my list of things to do before i die, but i digress...

in loss for words she says she doesn't know what they are or what they want. all i could do is sit, read, re-read, and shake my head affirmatively. i know exactly how that feels. substitute in the word feelings for words, and so much of it still applies.

then there is private death and fear, both of which have some common parts which caught my eye. from private death...

I'm in love with a daydream that is not meant to be
I can not bring myself to believe I am worthy
I can not bring myself to believe it will happen
i fear dear kat i'm going to end up stealing some of these words, forging them more into what i've been wanting to say for a while. fear was a bit longer, and had many thoughts i could relate to in full or in part...
But I am afraid of love itself
Now I fear I've lost him
I fear he has come and gone
He tired of waiting for me
To figure out who I am, what I want
I'm in love with the idea of love
An idea I fear I am not worthy
swap the he's and him for she's and her, and i can say i have those very feelings. it was a bright spot to have run across those meanderings.

Posted by ac at October 30, 2003 01:28 AM
