November 01, 2003

Conversations Over Candy

it was weighed, it was measured, and it was founded wanted. the candy that is. all 18.5 pounds of it, stressing the stitches of the pale blue pillowcase. over 500 pieces. they know. they counted. a few pieces still lay on the floor -- the unwanted candy, the sort not even worthy of being given away, it merely sits there for the taking.

m: wanna pinky fight?
k: nah
m: wanna thumb wrestle?
k: nah
m: how about arm wrestle?
k: fine. but i have to win.

of course they never did. with a giggles streaming out of their mouths, the soup beginning to settle in their tummys, they scampered off to play.

it was many hours ago, perhaps 15 or so, that the bounty was captured. i was there for every step and years for now, if i'm lucky, that fact, if nothing else, will be remembered. on the surface it seemed just like any other halloween, but deep inside it felt much different. this one i need to remember.

we schlepped from house to house and occasionally were mixed in with other groups of ghosts and goblins. the children of course ran quickly, trying to stay ahead of the pack -- just in case that next house only has only one piece left! there was the traditional fall and spillage on the corner and every year you could see a few kids stop and pause for a moment, debating in their minds whether to help -- to help themselves to some of that candy strewn across the lawn. easy pickings. a parental gaze usually ends the matter, but some years it takes the the middle name. "thomas andrew!", you'll hear a mother shout, and that will be enough to to break the fallen candy spell. it happens every year.

this year was different. perhaps it was because i had to go rather than getting to do it of my own volition. that my actions would be judged and scored -- noted for the record.

for at least a full block i walked near a pair of dads and their conversations seemed so foreign to me.

d1: yeah, i finally got those shelves built in the pantry, my buddy who dropped off the plywood couldn't believe the results.
d2: that was plywood? wow.
d1: yeah, my buddy said the same thing.
d2: you seem to be getting all the things i need to get done... done.
d1: i still need to get that door framed, you'd think it was pretty simple
d2: i don't even have the exhaust fan in yet.
d1: no? i put in that new one they had at home depot. i figured if i'm going to do it, i might as well do the best.
d2: so you don't have the door in the garage framed yet huh?
d1: no, not yet.

with sacks of candy in tow, we eventually made our way back to the house. i was a bit sad. i wanted it to last just a little longer. please mom, just a few more minutes echoed in my head. i left that thought at the door and herded myself through the door.

Posted by ac at November 1, 2003 03:19 PM


I loved your story about the kids eyeing the fallen candy, we see that every year too. The husband that wasn't getting projects done must have been mine.

Posted by: ellen at November 1, 2003 05:01 PM


Posted by: ac at November 1, 2003 05:27 PM