November 10, 2003

My ABC's

you know it's not going to be a not so fun conversation when it starts with "hypothetically speaking" and midway through you're told "i don't want to hurt you, but you really should know..." and when met with disbelief of the conclusions (less so the evidence), now, according to person "B", i'm just continuing to defend person "A" and am in denial. unwilling to accept that i, Mr. "C", was dupped by a woman. starting to sound like an early quentin tarantino movie? trust me, this really doesn't get any better.

C: no, i don't believe i have ever been referred to as being the best thing since sliced bread.
B: then here's proof that i'm right. "A" clearly does this sort of thing. Read about candidate #3, "N". Look familiar? mmmHmmm. i told you so.
C: but! you are overlooking where it says -- "Problem? The obvious", doesn't that indicate "A" doesn't find this to be problem free?
B: If it was a problem, wouldn't "N" not be a candidate at all? besides you "C", how many others do you think there have been. face it, you've been played
C: i'm sorry, but i think you are reading more into it than is there.
what "B" doesn't know is that i was aware of that message. i do have to admit that it hurt reading it. no, i think i'd have to say i felt crushed -- specifically because of the aforementioned "N". it hit close to home and had me questioning a lot of things that were said to me. i got myself beyond it, but then "B" just had to stir the pot.

to make matters worse, "B" then refers to a flight to boston "A" apparently took. see, you were lied to again! you were simply played and won't admit it. if there were some note passing going on, i'd swear i was back in high school. sigh.

it does all make me continue to wonder what the fuck is wrong with me. why do i do the things i do -- or not do the things i don't? there are moments i think i should just give up all hope, spare others further grief of which i've caused and accept the fact that life simply sucks sometimes. the completely selfish side of me says let the world be damned -- go after your dream or die trying.

good night.

Posted by ac at November 10, 2003 07:59 PM


why do i do the things i do -- or not do the things i don't?

i've asked myself that more time than i care to admit, or can admit. i psychoanalyze myself to death. all i can say is the person who knows the answers is you.

all i can say is at least you try. that's more than me.

Posted by: Enigma at November 12, 2003 12:08 AM

i wish others believed and understood how much i try, but alas they don't.

Posted by: ac at November 12, 2003 12:36 AM