November 16, 2003

Alchemist 3rd Class

   i read over at beer mary's about a game called alchemy, and she is correct, it is pretty addictive. my first go i only managed to be dubbed a hedge wizard. my second go 'round i did much better. (see screenshot to the left). for what it's worth, the ranks where hedge wizard, wizard 2nd class, wizard 1st class, grand wizard, then alchemist 3rd class. i was working on the 7th board when i made a strategic error that cost me the level. oh! the excessive time is because i went to eat after board #4.

Posted by ac at November 16, 2003 10:48 PM


i keep screwing up the 7th board too

Posted by: Enigma at November 17, 2003 09:01 PM

there should be an "online gamers anonymous" group. i started with bejewelled, then went to alchemy, then nisqually, and now i'm on a downloaded multi-solitaire game software. och - it's addictive!

Posted by: pawz at November 18, 2003 03:55 PM