December 30, 2003

Tuesday's Gone

ok, ok, poor reference to a lynyrd skynyrd song, but it popped to mind so i thought what the heck. this is the last tuesday of 2003 and the last chance to do these meme's this year.

PhotoTime: #30 Macro

Tuesday Is Choseday

    For the next year, would you rather:
  1. give up sweet foods (anything naturally or artificially sweet) OR gain 40 pounds because you didn't?
    give up sweet foods.
  2. taste nothing but the flavor of oranges OR only wear the color orange (all the way down to your underwear)?
    while orange is one of my favorite flavors, i think i'd have a better chance making it through the year wearing only the color orange.
  3. shout obscenities at every person who pisses you off (so loud that anybody within earshot turns to look) OR punch one person a month who pisses you off?
    i'm a lover, not a fighter; however, i'd just as soon punch some of these twits. otherwise, i'd likely lose my voice shouting!
  4. cry uncontrollably whenever you get a bill (at a store or restaurant) OR fart noticeably every time you laugh? i'll go with the farting when/if i laugh, thank you.

Two For Tuesday

  1. With the New Year fast approaching, have you set forth some resolutions or goals for 2004?
    nothing i'm at liberty to discuss.
  2. What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
    no plan. just hang around the house hoping the moment gets here and over as soon as possible. i'm sure i could come up with something better, but...

The Listening Post
How dependent are you on technology? If all of the technology invented in the past 100 years disappeared tomorrow, how would you react? What do you think your life would be like without technology?
i'm very dependent on technology! while i'm sure i could find plenty of challenging things to occupy my time -- oh, like learning how to grow my own food and do all those "handy-man" type things with some reasonable level of quality and effeciency. life would be rough. i'm certainly the type that would like to be away from civilization on a nice mountain; however, i'd need my suv to get groceries and supplies. and of course my satellite dish for my internet connection! grizzly adams i'm not!

Posted by ac at December 30, 2003 07:33 PM


Now we're getting up close and personal! ;-)

Posted by: sherle at December 31, 2003 06:05 AM