January 28, 2004

Just My Imagination

i saw reference to this a few weeks ago, but now two different rss feeds have made further mention, so i may was well chime in. wtf! i mean really, an imaginary girlfriend that can be obtained via an ebay auction! now if this was a one-off (pun not intended) thing, i suppose i could snicker and move along, but there are many of them posted! and people seem to be buying. hell, there are even buy now links on some of them. i wonder if they take imaginary money?!?

in all seriousness, what is the point here. my take is that this is just a way to get around ebay's rules on selling porn. i took a peek at a couple of the auctions -- for research purposes of course -- and it seems to jive with my thought on the matter. take this auction for example... um.... hold on....

yes... ok. so that auction. sure, she's attractive -- if that is really her, but what do you really get out of the deal? in this case 1-hour of video chat, several hand written letters all girlied up, 2 pictures: one clean, one not-so clean, and an autographed 8x10. autographed? really?!? like girlfriends do that? guess i was dating the wrong kinda girls. or not.

now just as i was thinking that we males truly are pathetic, there are in fact also ebay auctions for imaginary boyfriends too. yes, i'm comfortably enough in my sexuality to have looked. now there are certainly less available and the going prices are much lower, so i guess i'll have to conclude that men are either not as good at marketing themselves, or we are prone to over-bidding. you make the call.

now admit it... a bunch of you are thinking... hell, i could do that. shit! even i could snap a bunch of photos of myself, write some nice letters... i wonder what the going price on an anonymous coward is these days. *snicker*

Posted by ac at January 28, 2004 01:16 PM


OMG this is just psychotic! I wonder if I can pimp out my dog as an imaginary pet.

Posted by: Ann at January 28, 2004 08:51 PM