March 13, 2004

King Me

busy day ahead (thankfully) i'm off to watch the kings .vs. the sharks -- a noon start time no less. so i'll leave a few musical links here.

from boingboing
Korn's new video damns the music industry
Korn's new video for "Y'all Want a Single? Fuck That," consists of the band trashing a record store, screaming the chorous, while a suprisingly eloquent rant against the recording industry's treatment of artists and the radio oligopolies' top-40 mentalitity scrolls past. The band reveals that they released the video against its label's wishes and urges you to "steal" it. Streaming WMV Link (via MeFi)
and then there is...
Comfort Stand Recordings
A not-for-profit community driven label where all releases are free for download with artwork and liner notes. Having no business model or profit motive we strive to bring you recordings that we find interesting, compelling and downright enjoyable. Everybody needs free music.

Posted by ac at March 13, 2004 10:36 AM
