March 25, 2004

Is It Just Me?

is it just me, or is my blog getting terribly boring? i suppose asking that makes the assumption that at some point in time it wasn't. as you read this, ask yourself "why am i here?" and feel free to share your answer.

Thursday Three

Onesome: Computer- What was/is your first computer? A clunky old Commodore or something a touch more modern?
first one i owned was a commodore-64. then i got 2 1541 disk drives and modified them a bit to allow me to write on the back of 5.25" floppies without notching them.

Twosome: Anti-Virus- Have you ever had a computer virus? How bad was it? Or are you one of the lucky ones who have managed to avoid them?
nothing active. i've bumped into a few java-based virii and have had people send me infected files, but my virus detection software has always caught it. now other family members are another story...

Threesome: Software- What piece of software really made you more productive on your computer. ...or, as in my case, less productive? *g*
yikes. so much! what allowed me to switch from a unix based operating system to windows was a nice app called secureCRT. the reason for the switch to windows was to more easily deal with documents and a wider variety of applications i was expected to be familiar with and have available. i still have about 10 windows open to a variety of unix boxes. i still consider myself a bsd zealot. my windows box is simply a fancy terminal.

Posted by ac at March 25, 2004 05:31 PM


Why am I here? You have intresting links, prose and thoughts. :)

Posted by: Natalie at March 27, 2004 11:59 PM