April 01, 2004

I Had To Do It

by the time you read this, i will have tendered my resignation at work, possibly sold the house, and broken the news of a move to texas. my biggest hope at this moment is that i don't have to explain it all too many times.

yes, folks it is indeed true. april fools day is here again. i've had so many ideas on things i could do ranging from stupid, to silly, to... well, downright cruel. this year i just couldn't bring myself to push the envelope, but have shared some of my ideas with others just for the giggles and to get it out.

others seem to be having a lot of fun! perhaps some of them will even get into the top 100 or just be notable on the net. on site is keeping a running list of links of pranks this year. some are quite funny... some, sadly enough aren't pranks. b2 did a 6-panel comic of ill-advised pranks that was quite amusing.

funny thing is... like howard's prank this morning, one day it might be true. one of these days i will resign and i will sell the house. i might even do it on an april 1st -- that way i can get some distance between me and then when they figure out i wasn't kidding.

Posted by ac at April 1, 2004 04:35 PM
