April 21, 2004

Mental Break

thanks to those that have offered up 3 questions, i plan to answer them in a couple days -- hoping some more come in as well. in the mean time, here are some links -- something for everyone.

  • 35 years with Jennifer is one of the more romantic things i've seen on the net. not the pictures, but the story too. sure, they may be one in a million, but they are proof it is possible. A quote from the first page caught my eye...
    We married in September, and somehow, she came up with only one rule for our marriage; no matter how angry or mad we might get with each other, we must always sleep in the same bed together, no sleeping on the couch or in the guest bedroom. I don't know how she came up with it, but for a very simple rule it was very effective. She said we had to learn how to fight. Never personal, never hurtful, always on the issue and the issue only. Finally, she taught me to never be a scorekeeper. Never count the times I went out or how often she might do something. Instead, be happy and glad that the other has the opportunity. We've kept the belief in these simple things, and a great life together has resulted. It amazes me to this day that a 19 year old girl would have the wisdom, vision, and confidence to embark upon such a journey, passionately and unafraid.

  • get your message on the chandeliers with crystal SMSs. it's an amusing idea, but [ahem] way out of my price range, not that i'd even have a place for such a thing.

  • geek alert. simon captured this comment/response off a slashdot.org post. very funny!

  • ever need to do a flash slideshow with crossfades? if so, follow the link. if not... move along.

  • is it an arse or a finger? i found this how-to make your finger look like a butt quite amusing. reminds me of the old arse/elbow quiz which has since gone away. funny stuff, and as he says, some are quite.... um... well, go look for yourself.

  • MTV's cribs. i found this link on ernies mini-blog and it was quite funny. it will help you know what to do if your place is ever featured. perhaps there needs to be a blog version. heh.

  • i forgot all about the q & a: the photographic interview. you've got until the end of april. i wanted to do it when i first saw it, now i've got a reminder to kick me into gear.

  • want a low erdös number? you can now, for all intent and purpose, get a 5 on ebay -- item #3189039958. i throw this into the i wanna be in mensa bin...

  • Email Stress Disorder -- just what i needed to know. i wonder what the doc will prescribe for this one? how about medicinal lsd? whoa man, i was like just spammed and now i've got the munchies.

Posted by ac at April 21, 2004 04:20 PM
