May 05, 2004Things To Share Todayrandompixel is a really cool idea. i'm looking forward to seeing more of the pictures that make their way back. some of the ones they have gotten so far are quite excellent. A camera, alone in the world. Each Randompixel camera was given to a stranger. Stickers on the camera instruct the recipient to take a few pictures and pass it along. When the camera is done, it is dropped in the mail, it returns home, and the pictures are posted here. well shit! apple is rejecting iMix lists. they have all the fucking songs there for sale, i just don't get the point they are trying to make. i mean really! ebay does it again -- facilitating a sale for something well above the value. there was the giant cheeto and now applesauce with (admittedly) an interesting batch code on it. ebay is truly and american company! and i mean that in a good way. this article on an upcoming baseball marketing deal lends new meaning to the phrase all your bases are belong to us.
Posted by ac at May 5, 2004 07:20 PM