May 10, 2004

Scentless Apprentice

so much to do, so little time it seems. i got way too distracted with that whole ageproject thing too. i kept going back. before long, far too many people look familiar. kinda weird!

so i'm looking through my access logs today to see where people are coming from to find me. i see the normal kind of stuff or places where i've managed to be blogrolled for some reason or the other, but every so often one pops up that i just can't figure out. and i don't mean the access log spam where they put into referrer a porn site or something someone is trying to sell.

but first, i thought i'd mention that if you are a mozilla / firefox user, bloglines has a nifty plug-in notifier which will poll your blogline account and let you know when/if there are any unread feeds. i've just started using myself. so far, so good.

so you want to be a poet? here's some sensible advice from a site i ran into for the first time -- unqualified offerings. it's not the sort of blog i see myself following closely, but i did like the authors article. i guess that fact is just more justification why there are sites that find useful links like this and give them some visibility to those that may have not seen it otherwise.

anyway, back to the how did they get to me thought. this site was in my referrers and i just don't see how. they have a pretty extensive blogroll, and i wasn't in it. i didn't see any articles referencing my blog. clearly we (me and this blog's author) visit some of the same places -- based on the blogroll and the word association posts. go figure. so why do i mention it? oh, because i wanted to reference their post which they too found elsewhere. it is a meme (could of guessed huh?) and it goes like this

Pick a band or an artist and answer only using that band/artist's song titles.

i'm a sucker for these sort of things especially when i can tie in something like music interests. here are my answers... i was going to add commentary to explain some of the answers, but i'd just as soon let them stand.

update: enigma pointed out in my comments that i did this wrong. i was only supposed to pick one band. well shit, that makes it hard, but i'll try. first: my original answers...

  1. Are you male or female?
    i am a man of constant sorrow, soggy bottom boys

  2. Describe yourself
    comfortably numb, pink floyd

  3. How do some people feel about you?
    basketcase, green day

  4. How do you feel about yourself?
    i hate myself and want to die, nirvana

  5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest:
    strangers in the night, frank sinatra

  6. Where would you rather be?
    under the bridge, red hot chili peppers

  7. Describe what you want to be:
    bring me to life, evanescence

  8. Describe how you live:
    heart still beating, ottmar liebert

  9. Describe how you love:
    i want to know what love is, foreigner

  10. Share a few words of wisdom:
    love hurts, nazareth

now my answers using just one band/artist -- nirvana...

  1. Are you male or female?
    the man who sold the world

  2. Describe yourself
    negative creep

  3. How do some people feel about you?
    territorial pissings

  4. How do you feel about yourself?
    i hate myself and want to die

  5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest:
    about a girl

  6. Where would you rather be?
    on a plain

  7. Describe what you want to be:
    scentless apprentice

  8. Describe how you live:
    all apologies

  9. Describe how you love:
    heart-shaped box

  10. Share a few words of wisdom:
    come as you are


Posted by ac at May 10, 2004 03:58 PM


i'm using the notifier thing. it works w/iex

Posted by: Enigma at May 10, 2004 04:51 PM

btw, you did that wrong. i've noticed on a lot of sites recently people are doing that wrong. you're supposed to pick one band and answer with their songs. read the directions again.

Posted by: Enigma at May 10, 2004 04:53 PM

yikes! didn't even read my own instructions. i'll update it. thanks.

Posted by: ac at May 10, 2004 05:04 PM

ew that was just sad but look at what band you chose as if you'd use another.

Posted by: Enigma at May 13, 2004 10:38 AM

hey! no picking on nirvana 'round these parts. :-)

Posted by: ac at May 13, 2004 12:18 PM