May 20, 2004


i dunno what these guys are thinking, but pissing on one's hands is just not an appealing proposition regardless of the benefit. funny thing is, it apparently doesn't even do what they think it does. go figure.

speaking of people being pissed off (rather than pissed on), there is a decent breakdown of blogging software. blosxom looks interesting to me mainly because it is done in perl. i need to re-remind myself that i can do php without having to have it as a server module. i forget that sometimes. ummmm, make that often. and that makes b2evolution look good too. in my case, mt still meets my needs, so i'm in no hurry to switch.

Posted by ac at May 20, 2004 09:40 PM


I think I'll stick with lotion... damn why don't they just using rubbing alcohol? I used it when first learning the guitar, helped build calluses on my fingers (supposedly).

Posted by: Natalie at May 23, 2004 10:11 PM