June 03, 2004

Big Fish

still reeling a bit from watching the rest of big fish last night, but here is my haiku review.

become immortal
knowledge gives life adventure
may time stop for you

Posted by ac at June 3, 2004 11:53 AM


What exactly is Big Fish about, anyways?

Posted by: Burnt Fuse at June 4, 2004 04:47 PM

essentially it was about a father who all his life had told seemingly tall tales and that was all his son knew about his life. the son wanted to know the "truth", but was only getting these tales. the story revolves around the son trying to find out the truth.

like a number of movies of late, i think it will be one people will either really like nor simply not care for. ironically, i'm kinda in the middle. i think there is a deeper message in there that i'm just not getting. watching it half one evening and half another probably didn't help.

ps: i linked to the IMDB entry for it in the post.

Posted by: ac at June 5, 2004 07:07 PM