July 01, 2004

I Have Just Got To Say

  1. to the idiot that has been blasting music by madonna periodically through the day. would you fucking quit it before i actually leave the house and have to shove that radio up your ass.

  2. i failed to save the reference; however, i came across an interesting blog post on soul identities. yeah, yeah, i know -- but hey, it's notable because i actually fall into the mature category. well partially anyway.

  3. a software engineer from utah is kicking ass on jeopardy. at last check, he was up to $737,760 and had won 22 straight times. yet another opportunity to shout -- go nerds!.

  4. metafilter pointed out an article about permanent makeup (don't ask), so i followed the link (no really, don't ask). let me just say this -- the picture that is on that page (presuming they don't change it in the interim) isn't really going to encourage anyone to go with your services is it? i mean really! if i woke up every morning to see that... i'd put a gun in my fucking mouth and get off 3 rounds before i hit the floor. thought number 2-4 : dear. headlights. floor it!

  5. there is no 5. that is all.

Posted by ac at July 1, 2004 04:39 PM



Posted by: Natalie at July 1, 2004 06:10 PM