July 21, 2004

Nearing A Point

i just noticed that i'm nearing post number 500. good grief! i feel like i need to make it a good one. i've thought of making it a last one, but i don't seem myself holding to that. but who knows. anyway, this isn't it, so i can bore you with links i've found and some random rambling:

  • yet another IQ test. i tend to score between 135-150, i was 148 on this one. whatever.
  • i read the other day about a company making a bottle cap into a tri-pod and selling them for as low as $9.99. of course this being the net and all, someone posted instructions for making your own for less than $2.00.
  • lets make a deal, yes the monty hall problem lives on. give it a try. you know you wanna.
  • if you're ever looking for free wireless in the san francisco bay area, and you've got an iPod with you, a project from Bay Area Wireless called wiPod has you covered. it's a listing of all known free points in the region, sorted by city and location, and can be viewed on any iPod (screenshot, direct download).
    swiped directly from metafilter

and speaking of iPods, the battery in mine sucks eggs! not only does it not last 8 hours, after recharging it immediately drops to about 75%. leaving it off, the battery drains on it's own. wtf?!? so i think i'm going to have to exchange it for a new one. i'm tempted to wait to see if i can exchange it for a new one that uses the click wheel rather than the row of four buttons. and once i can get all my mp3's tagged properly, i have a utility so i can post what's on my iPod in html. why? because i can. no other reason.

the last movie i watched was the manhattan project -- a movie i bought for myself as a treat. still as good as it ever was. what i'd really like to get on dvd is over the edge. i remember watching that movie as a kid and would love to see it again. sadly, i haven't found it on dvd anywhere. maybe i'll get the vhs some day and convert it.

i also watched the entire first season of six feet under. this is yet another one of those excellent hbo series. i must say that i really liked watching it on dvd. i could watch one, two, three episodes -- whatever. i watched at my own pace. no waiting for next week. the characters in this series are well cast and quite endearing. i will definitely watch season two, or at least start to. i'm told it jumps the shark in the 3rd season, so we'll see how long i stick with it.

Posted by ac at July 21, 2004 05:40 PM


could post a pic of yourself naked, painted green, wearing a leprechaun hat, and drinking beer whilst dancing a jig.

Posted by: Enigma at July 21, 2004 10:10 PM

141 and I answered the phone... I wonder what it might have been?

Posted by: Natalie at July 23, 2004 07:40 PM