August 09, 2004Manic Mondayby saturday night i was fully expecting that i'd be writing some long diatribe on youth sports, but it's funny how things work out sometimes. all the words that were frothing from my lips dried up as the weekend twisted and turned. it's not that the problems don't still exist, they do. on to other thoughts -- patrick marleau of the san jose sharks was married recently. it wasn't until i say his wedding photos that it hit me. damn, at times he looks a lot like a younger tom hanks. maybe it was just the tux. i dunno. maybe i'm just crazy. i can't count the number of times i was told that california was going to break off and sink into the pacific ocean -- always be east coasters. i'd always retort that it may break off, but it's the land mass to the east that is going to sink into the atlantic. today i read something with a little more basis. a volcano in north africa has been slowly slipping away and if it crashes into the ocean, it may likely send 300 ft waves crashing into the eastern seaboard. who knows? it could just be a researcher adding a little F.U.D. to get some funding. but what do i know?
Posted by ac at August 9, 2004 12:00 PM