November 01, 2004

Big Day Tomorrow

i put the final touches on an rss presentation i have to make to get others at our company up to speed on rss. it has been frustrating pounding on the rss drum (from a technology standpoint). too many people thing of blogs like live journal (or like this one) -- personal diaries of sorts as having feeds rather than blogs being the business tools they can be and rss feeds providing a delivery method for headlines/content. email newsletters they get, web pages they get, i'm not so sure i understand the trouble in grasping the advantages of rss.

so tomorrow will be a frustrating day i'm sure. and then there is that election thing. heh. maybe i should worry less, there's a 50/50 chance the world will end tomorrow ... right? *sigh*

Posted by ac at November 1, 2004 09:37 PM
