December 29, 2004

Giftmas Booty

i hope that everyone had a good giftmas. posting links to goodies i wanted paid off this year and i must admit that i also got a couple unexpected ones as well. that is very unusual.

actually, i got nearly everything from my list. i feel rather spoiled about that. i didn't get the iPod speakers and mind hacks is on order, but i got all the rest or something close to it. i am only half way through it, but i highly recommend paul graham's essays in hackers and painters. when finished, i'll likely write a review.

things gotten that were not on my list that got:

i like getting gifts, but not nearly as much as i like giving them, particularly when i find something that truely inspired me. you know, that gift that you see and think, "oh, that would be perfect for so-and-so". a gift that wasn't on their list, nothing they had mentioned... just something that spoke to you and makes you think of someone specific. this year i found a print on-line that immediately made me think of my daughter. i knew it at first glance. i put it in an appropriate frame and included a copy of sylvia plath's the bell jar. the picture is now prominently placed in her room and she has devoured the book and loved it. i knew she would and i am so pleased. i like my gifts, but this was a case where the gift of giving felt far better.

Posted by ac at December 29, 2004 10:08 PM
