December 31, 2004

Set An Example

read over on mark cuban's blog:

Could there be anything more confusing and shocking than to read that our country was offering $35mm in aid to the areas affected by the Tsunamis, but that the cost of inauguration parties would be about $40mm?

the irony of that just kills me. so george -- WWJD? party at the mount, be there at 4:20, right george? *sigh*

update: i could have so predicted how bush would fix this one -- we're now sending $350mm (which is good). honestly gw, you'd have gotten far more respect if you'd use your influence and encourage people to divert some of the party funds (in addition to upping the u.s. ante) to go help people that really could use it right now. how can you expect us to sacrafice as a nation when you are unwilling to do it yourself? some leader you are. i won't say anyone else would have done better, but we clearly see (and did before, imho) where you stand. this would have been such a great opportunity for you to shine and you missed it. a bigger missed opportunity than i think you realize...

Posted by ac at December 31, 2004 01:20 PM
