March 10, 2005

Cum And Get It

an idaho highschool student has admitted to providing semen-frosted brownies to a student to get back at him for a prank played on him earlier that was also food related. of course movies factor into the equation as 17-year-old got the idea from the film van wilder.

what they don't explain is how the fellow student and friends he shared them with found out. i'm sure uncontrolled giggles from the perpetrator and perhaps some bragging factored into it, but i have this silly vision in my head of these three kids sitting around the lunchroom table and the following conversation ensues..."

does this taste funny to you?
yeah... this does taste a little funny.
hmmm, i think i know what it tastes like...
really? what? hold on, i'm thinkin'
[rolls eyes] let me know when it comes to you...
that's it!
what's it?
cum! it tastes like cum
dude, i don't know if i want to throw up now or how the hell you would know that.

in tangential news, it has been reported that it is believed a single protein has been identified as being in control of the final factor in causing pregnancy. if proven, it can be a huge win in additional contraceptive measures including an effect male pill. funny how i saw both of these articles today and just minutes apart.

Posted by ac at March 10, 2005 06:15 PM


I can't even imagine how much fun google is going to have with you now that you used "that word" in a post. LOL - oh, and btw, *ewwwwww* ;-)

Posted by: CNL at March 11, 2005 04:05 AM


Posted by: Natalie at March 15, 2005 10:38 PM