May 04, 2005It's Been A Whileit has only been a week, but it feels like i haven't written here for much longer! i must admit that there have been plenty of times i have just wanted to write here, but for a number of reasons i've chosen not to. for the better? time will tell. just balancing out those good-feeling / bad-feeling curves that were described to me the other night along with the decrease in some sort of neuro-receptors. it wasn't quite a mind hacks explanation, but i was glad to see some scientific basis that adds some level of corroboration to my feeling that when good things happen i had best brace myself for an equal amount of shit to hit the fan. on the music front, i have been happy with the new 3 doors down and weezer cds, but i am absolutely thrilled knowing a new foo fighters cd will be out on 6/14. with any luck i will manage to weasle my way into an early release copy. movies! i've watched far less of them lately. i am beginning to wonder if it makes sence to have the blockbuster-pass or not. it sure makes renting easy, but at just under $25/month is it cost effective? right now, barely; however, many movies i'd have never rented on a pay-per-rental basis so i'm not so sure. here is a quick review since last time...
in the movie queue are two i have been trying to get for the past week -- suspect zero and darkness. of course, at my current pace, i'll say a little something about them in june.
Posted by ac at May 4, 2005 03:02 PM
It isn't that when good things happen expect an equal number of bad things. It's an explanation for why the first time we experience and enjoy things, we feel like we're on cloud 9, but subsequent exposures to the experience results in less pleasure over time. It explains why thrill seekers have to keep "upping the ante" just to get the same rush of feelings/pleasure. Posted by: FromMe2U at May 4, 2005 04:47 PMoh i certainly don't see an equal number. in fact, the bad seems to outweight the good by 4x to the point when good things happen i almost wish they hadn't. I am sorry you feel that way. It must be dificult to enjoy good/happy things when you are waiting for lots of bad things happening. But, are there really a lot of bad events or is it just your perception? Posted by: FromMe2U at May 4, 2005 10:01 PMyes, i think it is fair to say that there are times good things are not enjoyed to their fullest due to the expectation (fear) that the more enjoyable it is the worse the result will be in the end. as for it being perception or reality... hard to say really. think of someone that punches you in the arm. you say "ow, that hurts". they say "oh come on, that doesn't hurt". does it really hurt or is it just your perception? |