May 14, 2005Words to usei quipped today that narcissis was my new word to use. i had to chuckle again when i came across an article entitled mixing oil and water and like anything else i read it wondering how or if it applied to my life and recent times in particular. it's a good article, read it. anyway, it makes me feel a bit like a hypochondriac now wondering just what PD or PDs i am. so many to choose from. sure, it's not a PD until it effects your life, but... but.... yeah, so what PD am i? lol once upon a time i took one of those silly on-line personality disorder tests (results) and it showed that i was avoidant (guilty!) and to a lesser but still high degree paranoid, schizotypal, histrionic, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive. how it pegged me as histrionic i'll never know (maybe because of this blog *snicker*) and i really don't think of myself as particularly dependent. so for grins, i took the test again today. ironically, now i'm pegged as schizoid.
i will not be paranoid about this. i will not be paranoid about this. i will not be paranoid about this. i will not be paranoid...
Posted by ac at May 14, 2005 09:28 PM