August 24, 2005

Courtesy Wave

whatever happened to the courtesy wave? it used to be that you would let a driver into your lane or cross in front of you and up would come the hand. a little arm motion, a little wrist motion... just back and forth to say thanks man.

today when going to pick up my daughter i stopped for a little extra time to let this woman cross. she was pushing a double stroller, had a dog leash in hand, and was keeping an eye on her preschooler that was peddling her seemingly new bike just in front of them. they were at the corner when i stopped, and figuring the child wasn't going to stop without the mother grabbing hold which would undoubtedly release the dog to run wild i remained motionless.

she looked over and i waved her across, providing some level of assurance that i wasn't going to mow her and her spawn over as they crossed in front.

now you'd think that as she crossed i might get a courtesy wave or perhaps one of those fake thank you smiles. nope. the wench didn't even look. she kept chugging along.

Posted by ac at August 24, 2005 06:06 PM
