What Is My Loss?
i've lost a father. my dad. pop.
but as i sit here and think about it, what i've really lost is the one person who has been there for me my entire life.
he certainly didn't know about everything i've done, yet knew more than he let on to. his advise wasn't sought with every problem, but he was there if i wanted it. never did he say "i'm there if you need me" -- i just knew.
a couple people have asked in round about ways, and i think i can say with all honestly -- i have closure. nothing was left unresolved. there is no guilt. without a doubt i wish i could have been more successful, sooner, and able to make his twilight years more comfortable and stress free. it just didn't work out that way and of all the people in this world, i know he'd understand.
Posted by ac at May 18, 2007 12:16 PM