June 05, 2003

Mansion - Apartment - Shack - House

Since somebody bothered to whip up the javascript code to implement this childhood game, who am I to not give MASH online a crack at predicting what my life will be like when I grow up. According to its forecast, I'll be a computer geek enjoying life in a house with my lovely wife Faith, our 3 kids and a yellow mustang parked in the driveway bearing Australia license plates.

Who am I to argue? It sounds pretty damn good to me, plus three of the seven are currently accurate.

Posted by ac at June 5, 2003 03:39 PM


Oh goody....
Now I can heckle *you* for a change, AC. :0)

Posted by: -=e=- the merciless™ at June 6, 2003 12:22 AM