June 23, 2003

Speak With Forked Tongue

Ace Frehley, eat your heart out. Forked tongues are the latest U.S. trend for some reason I think I'll never figure out. I can't imagine that his is what native americans thought about when saying such a thing. Well, there may have been an early version of Gary Larson chuckling and drawing away in a wigwam somewhere, but generally speaking...

The number of people with split tongues is estimated at 1,500 to 2,000 people by the editor of a Web-based magazine devoted to body modification, but the trend is attracting enough attention that a few U.S. state legislatures have moved to ban the procedure.
As U.S. legislatures worry about people modifying their body, their New Zealand counterparts are busy taxing animal farts. I kid you not. It is to help combat global warming. Now I'd like to know how they are going to go about measuring it.

Lastly, how about a real-life Tarzan story? Seriously. John Ssaybunnya was raised by troupe of African Green monkeys for nearly three years. Now that John is 18, what is he up to? He is playing football for Uganda in the Special Olympics which opened in Dublin Ireland this past Saturday.

Posted by ac at June 23, 2003 09:01 PM
