June 25, 2003What Would I Do?ok, so a friend e.mails me this question. a great moral dilemma he says. now i suspect this is some sort of meme-like thing making it's rounds, but that hasn't stopped me before.You are driving along in your new Porsche Carrera GT on a wild, stormy night, when you pull up to a traffic light next to a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:before giving my answer, i'd like those of you reading this to think about what you would do. think about it for a minute or two or whatever time is necessary. take is seriously... what would you do in this situation? maybe even leave a comment and tell me what you'd do?
i'm not sure my answer follows the spirit of the exercise, but what the hell, it's my answer and with no laws or instructions to the contrary, i'm going with it. my answer to him was this... dude. love the car!
Posted by ac at June 25, 2003 05:23 PM
clever answer you. i'd pick up my friend. cause there's no such thing as the girl of my dreams. i like boys! Posted by: michelle at June 25, 2003 09:41 PMwell that took some of the dilemma out of it. would your answer change if #3 was man/boy instead of woman? just something to think about. Posted by: AC at June 25, 2003 10:14 PMalright, it that's the case. i'd park the car (cause really it is just a car, no matter how amazing a car it is.) call the old lady a taxi. spend some time talking to my friend and the guy. get on the bus with them. get off at the guy's stop and see what happens from there. Posted by: michelle at June 26, 2003 10:37 AM |