August 13, 2003

Interview Game

i spied this meme over at mindsketches where michelle joined in the interview game that she learned about over at harrumph! still crazy. that's all the lineage i know.

interview game: THE RULES
1. leave me a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2. i will respond; i'll ask you five questions.
3. you'll update your website with my five questions, and your five answers.
4. you'll include this explanation.
5. you'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

now on to the questions i was asked along with my responses...

  1. (assuming everyone's missing something in their life) what's missing in yours?
    all the pieces seem to be there, but i'm missing the courage and confidence to complete my life's puzzle.

  2. what needs inventing/what would you invent?
    if i were capable, i'd seriously like to invent a transporter. no more planes, trains, and automobiles ... just beam me over mr. scott.

  3. best meal you've ever had? (with who, where, when)
    this is a pretty tough one actually. no particular meals stand out as being best, so i'm going to stray just a bit and say i have very fond memories of eating a desert made by my oma as a child in germany. it was a dark, bitter-sweet chocolate melted then chilled between two paper thin pieces of something which i have no idea what it was. it was very much like paper that would melt in your mouth. it was fabulous and i regret never finding out the specifics.

  4. what's breathtaking to you?
    sharing unique experiences with a loved one.

  5. peanut butter, honey or jam?
    honey. definitely honey.

Posted by ac at August 13, 2003 10:40 PM


um ac, you no doubt copied my code but left the strikeout in for rule #1. or do you not want to ask people questions?

Posted by: michelle at August 14, 2003 07:32 AM

you are indeed correct michelle. i've removed the strikeout in case anyone dares ask for an interview. heh!

Posted by: ac at August 14, 2003 10:46 AM