September 16, 2003

Yeah, What She Said

Every now and again you run past a post that makes you nod in agreement and makes you wonder why you weren't able to express the same yourself. Today, Patti posted Threaded Circles which does that exactly...

If anybody had ever really asked me the question, at any point, over the last 30 or so years, I probably would have said, "No, I don't like who I am very much." More to the point, I didn't like where circumstances have landed me, and how I have to live my life because of where I am in my life.
Unlike Patti, I'm not sure my answer would be much different today, but she has given me something to think about and perhaps I'll be lucky enough to get to that point too.

Posted by ac at September 16, 2003 06:14 PM


You can. You will. ;-)

Posted by: P. at September 17, 2003 04:16 AM