September 16, 2003

Tuesday Gone Wild

since i generally don't find the time on tuesday's to post, perhaps i've gone a bit overboard answering all of these memes today. you be the judge...

Tuesday Top Five Acoustic Songs

  1. everlong -- foo fighters
  2. pardon me -- incubus
  3. wish you were here -- pink floyd
  4. big yellow taxi -- joni mitchell
  5. tears from heaven -- eric clapton

Tuesday Two

  1. Name 3 products you use daily.
    1. toothbrush
    2. deordorant
    3. computer

  2. When it comes to haircare, soap, toothpaste, etc. are you brand loyal or do you shop for the best bargain?
    neither. i get whatever strikes my fancy at the moment.

This or That?

  1. Lying down on the couch, or stretching out on a recliner?
    Together: couch, alone: recliner
  2. Going barefoot or wearing soft slippers?
  3. Eating ice cream, or pizza?
  4. Watching on TV...a classic movie or a reality show?
  5. Wearing: blue jeans or sweat pants?
    if i could ever find my favorite sweats again, it would be that, otherwise jeans. realistically... shorts!
  6. A long, soothing bubble bath or a quick, invigorating shower?
    together: long, soothing bubble bath, alone: shower
  7. Furniture: leather, or something more on the fuzzy side?
    given those choices... leather
  8. Soft, classical music, or upbeat rock & roll?
    depends on my mood. more often than not... rock
  9. Darkness or light?
    easy. darkness.
  10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You get married, or otherwise begin cohabitating with a significant other. She moves into your place, but brings with them the UGLIEST chair you have ever seen! You really don't want this thing in your home, but SO says it is the most comfy chair she has ever sat in, and no way will they part with it. Do you: grin and bear it, or scheme to get rid of the montrosity somehow?
    if we are that serious that we are living together... i'm not going to be that concerned about a silly chair. i'll give her my opinion and if we can do something to make it look nicer, we will.

Tuesday is Chooseday
Would you rather...

Always be tired OR always be tense?
tired. i'm tense enough as it is.

Have to eat five peach pits OR half a pound of watermelon seeds?
watermelon seeds. smaller!

Always speak in rhyme OR not hear every third word spoken to you?
not hear every third word, i can ask people to work around that.

Eat a small can of cat food OR seven lemons (seeds, pulp, juice, and rind)?
lemons. yum.

b-da, b-da, b-da, b-da.... that's all folks.

Posted by ac at September 16, 2003 08:20 PM
