September 29, 2003


Demi and Ashton sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
Women dating younger men seems to be on the rise. No pun intended. Now I'm not particularly disturbed by this fact unlike the recent trend in the UK of something called dogging and is being done in parks throughout the country. What bothers me is that the article was titled "Survey: Women Over 40 Seek Younger Dates" which is darn close to my age bracket *sigh*... but that's not the troubling part. The part that bugs me (besides no 40+ women checking me out) is that the article is being released Monday in the new edition of AARP, The Magazine. Yeah, the organization for "old people". Or that is at least how I used to categorize them. How on earth did I get to the point where an AARP article sparks any interest at all? Hmmm, maybe I should be holding onto some of these Viagra ads just in case. I should probably ask the SFSI...

Posted by ac at September 29, 2003 08:32 PM
