April 27, 2004

Filed Under WTF

i'm really not sure how i feel about this. i remember some years back where you could turn an old missle silo into a home -- a much more interesting idea imho, but a 727 ?!?

taking it somewhat easy today, i stumbled across a link called -- the good wife's guide. ya know, even as a guy, i just don't find the appeal here in these suggestions. ok, ok, i'm sure i could deal with it once or twice, but lets be real.

had this been in text, i think i'd have had to provide a running commentary on some of this crap. you know, like...

Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a life and one of your duties is to provide it.
ahem. now if by a little gay is a reference to lesbianism and getting two hot chicks for the price of one (so to speak)... i might be able to support that idea. and for the record, i am in fact kidding.

i find it amusing that passage references his boring day while others talk about his world of strain and pressure. so which is it?

i suppose i'll take solace in the fact that this was printed nearly 50 years ago. i wonder what a "good wife's guide" circa 2004 would read -- and where's the "good husband's guide"? was one not written because men generally don't read the manual or ask for directions? or is it because we'd read it and ignore it?

Posted by ac at April 27, 2004 12:58 PM
