April 27, 2004

From The Desk Of

slowly but surely i'm knocking out some of the small things i've been wanting to accomplish for some time. my desk, nay my home office, has become extremely cluttered and is quite frankly driving me nuts. on the bright side, it's quite interesting the stuff you find buried here and there. the notes scribbled to remind you to do such-and-such, the upc for the finger eleven cd you want which is supposed to have a dvd with it (first print), old bills, pay stubs, photocopies and print outs.

one of the things i sometimes wonder when going through this cleaning process is why did i keep this to begin with? one thing i'm going to try harder to do is understand that question and have an answer for it. here's an example of what i found, a print out given to me that read...

Please understand. I care for someone who is having an affair because they are trying to find something -- like all of us. The problem: their way of finding that something is really misguided. Anyone who chooses to trade one set of problems for a worse set, or really beliees that another person can make his life better or "complete" obviously isn't thinking straight.

He is either lost in his empty neediness or his life is run by his glands. Choosing an affair is temporary insanity. Affairs have absolutely nothing to do with love -- everything to do with personal neediness and the narcissistic need for intense flattery. An affair is NOT the answer. Affairs don't pan out.

This is backed by over two decades of professional experience, study and research. Here are the stats:
  • 80% of those who divorce during an affair regret the decision.
  • Over 75% who marry partners in an affair eventually divorce.
  • If an affair replaces the marriage, it is subject to the same emotional stresses as the marriage but twice as likely to fracture.

my best find, aside from a few little things, is a check for $477.78 that still needs depositing. now that is what i'd like to find more of!

Posted by ac at April 27, 2004 03:11 PM


Cool! A check! What a find that was!

Posted by: Burnt Fuse at April 27, 2004 04:14 PM