Link Dump
until i get a linkblog working -- which of course requires me to take the time to create one -- i am going to try and limit my listing of links to once or twice per month. that, of course, keeps them from being as fresh as i might like, but that will just have to be my motivation to bring up a linkblog now won't it? without further ado, i leave you with a quote and lots of links...
We must select the illusion which appeals to our tempermeant, and embrace it with passion, if we want to be happy.
-- Cyril Connolly
in no particular order:
- bloglines has introduced web services. woo hoo!
- a client of mine told me about skype which is a free application that provides voice-over-ip -- otherwise known as free internet phone service.
- mathematician versus the press -- chose your battles. so how many solutions are there to various rubic's cubes? read on. it is also a great example of how the media works -- hear it, believe it, repeat it. way to go john!
- why is it so?, the ground-breaking tv series with the enigmatic professor julius sumner miller. i wish they had it on dvd.
- finally, a band with a novel idea. green day is selling printed cd-r disks of all the cds so people can have nice looking backups. heh.
- joe krauss bumps into bill gates in the bathroom. there was no handshaking.
- yet more information on the XP SP2 update.
- if the trailer for white noise is any indication, this might be a good creepy movie to go see. what caught my eye was the link to the aa-evp (american association of electronic voice phenomena). is the site a shill for the movie? i'm thinking not.
- get your breakup news here. some of those stories where... well, quite humorous. in a sad way of course. and speaking of rejection, for those that get hit on frequently by unwanted peopke, if they ask for your phone number, you can give our your local rejection line number. given the times, maybe they want your email address instead... well, paper napkin to the rescue. it's all primed for the perfect response.
- oh my... brutally honest personals.
- the bind that ties: american marriage in crisis. thought provoking article / book reviews.
- florida hurricanes -- g-d versus bush [gif]
- fonts: an excellent selection, with previews!
- some interesting charts showing the of relationship of various people/places/objects. for example the descendants of adam in genesis (not the band, *snicker*)
- bloglines toolbar for firefox. the notifier works well enough for me, but if you use their other features, this might help.
- write your own firefox extension, it's not that hard.
- if you're in the bay area... here is a graphical traffic report.
- "Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning" and other bush-isms on dvd
- i'm thinking of purchasing this print from deviant art. or maybe this one.
- wanna find out where the trojans and virii are hiding on your pc -- read this.
Posted by ac at September 30, 2004 05:14 PM