October 27, 2005

Umm... No Clever Title Ideas Today

it has been nearly two weeks since i have posted and in that time, shit happens. i had a day where i swear everything i touched broke -- servers crashed and even a disk raid group failed. completely. a very important notebook of mine was lost for a few hours. i though for sure it was gone. thankfully it was tucked away where i had never tucked it before... in a nutshell i wasn't myself nor doing the things i would normally do. t'was caos. sure, when a calmer mind prevailed there were reasons all most of the shit happened. but i tell ya... it sucked.

so enough of the live journal like posting... forgetfoo posted an... um.... interesting picture of a taunting urinal. his comment was right on... on a scale between 1 and fucked up, this is just plain wrong... but funny. later i read an article over at wired which talked about something i've noticed too... the dynamics of video game addiction. we'll see how this plays out in WoW. i'm level 57 now and hope to be 58 by the weekend and either 59 or 60 after. :-)

heh, that still sounded like something on live journal. *sigh*

Posted by ac at October 27, 2005 10:25 AM