October 27, 2005


flickr announced another printing option which includes being able to pick up your pictures at the local target store. cool. and speaking of pictures, i have a few more links for those with visual interests.

i came across a gallery of prints made from unprocessed film found in vintage cameras. since the film was never developed, the photographer of these shots never saw them. by vintage, i mean pictures from the late 30's through the 60's. i think it is pretty neat to see pictures ordinary people took back then. some are quite excellent and if you are paying attention you can even figure out the city/country in a few. i want to sit down sometime and look through them all.

thinking of art, math really can be quite beautiful. consider entanglement by justin mullins. i found it quite amusing that euler's relation was here too as we were just talking about this at dinner last night, but expressed as an algebraic equation for one of my know it all kids. not as pretty as some of the other, but cool none the less. they should have expressed it as e^(i(pi))=-1, rather than adding 1 to make it equal zero, but that's me. i'd like someting like this to hang in my office one day.

speaking of old pictures -- benny's postcards has some pretty interesting images. yes, yiddish postcards. not quite as cool as the undeveloped film above, but interesting none the less.

Posted by ac at October 27, 2005 04:09 PM