June 14, 2006

One Foot In The Grave

i've said it many times before -- man, do i feel old -- but this year, if not today is one of those markers that gets sunk into the sands of time as proof. not only will i be going over the traditional over the hill this year, but my daughter graduates from high school tonight and while still not legally an adult, it is a significant right of passage none the less.

pictures from a recent lunch outing showed my continued receeding hairline and now my children begin crossing over into adulthood officially putting me... past adulthood? i'm quickly becoming a prime candidate for starring in a sequel to grumpy old men. i think the role suits me.

funny thing is, the life i lead inside my head has me barely pushing out past my teen years. i think a day is 72 hours in there, and that isn't such a bad deal as long as they keep the work week at 40.

Posted by ac at June 14, 2006 01:11 PM