September 21, 2003


i've had a few things bouncing around my head for days and weeks now unable to complete the thoughts. fitting don't you think? rather than letting them sit and age hoping for the equivalent of a fine wine, i've set them loose. maybe someday i'll gather them back up and make something of them. maybe someday they'll gobble me up and make something of me.

i close my eyes and all i see, me with you and you with me
two souls apart that should be one, heart beats slowly, it used to run
it burns. i yearn. lost track, who's turn?
fucked life. wrong wife. cuts deep. no knife
when i listen close, i hear your voice, it's not the sound, it's my choice
i feel the touch, i know the smell. memories strong. my eyes do well
looking left i see the shore, in my arms, wanting much more
hold tight. lost sight. trying hard. all my might.
not fair. i do care. i love you so. a life to share.

Posted by ac at September 21, 2003 10:08 PM


does is sting less over time?

Posted by: michelle at September 22, 2003 09:04 AM